Guest comment: Why I want Domestic Discipline as a woman

Submitting to my husband and learning to respect him, as God said for wives to do (it’s in the Bible), strengthened my marriage, and maybe even saved it from disaster. I love my husband. I’m thankful that God pointed out to me His design for marriage, because I had somehow overlooked those verses before.

It’s not easy though, to submit to my husband, especially without there being a consequence for disrespect or hurtful words and actions. If I keep it up, then I run the risk of “tearing down my house with my own hands” like a fool (that’s in Proverbs). I do keep praying and trying, but I have to stay very aware of the issue, or I slip into disrespect again. Given the choice between my husband shutting me out (which is what he sometimes does now) and eventually leaving me, and turning me over his knee and spanking my rear end, causing it to sting and me to cry… I’ll take the spanking any day of the week. I would prefer it. To me, it’s an active intervention to say “You will NOT jeopardize our love and our marriage with reckless words.”
I like to use analogies, and I explain better if I do use them. So here’s one.

God also says for us to obey the authorities and laws of the land (as long as they don’t conflict with His law), so we are supposed to, for example, drive the speed limit. So we are essentially obeying what God says to do when we don’t speed, because speeding is against the law of the land. With me?

And yet… many of us DO drive over the speed limit (not fast enough to be ‘dangerous’, just a few miles over).

A few have gotten a ticket or two and they don’t speed anymore. (And, there is the rare person who feels it is morally wrong to drive over the speed limit, and so they generally never ever speed, except maybe in emergencies). When we see a police car, we are startled and look down at the speedometer, while slowing down just to be sure. Why? We don’t want a ticket! And there are some of us who don’t bother slowing down unless we are more than 4 miles over the limit!
So, we know better, and God agrees that we should obey the law, and yet we still speed unless the police are around, or we’ve learned our lesson taught to us by the police and the courts that speeding is expensive.
Let’s imagine then, that a new law is enacted that keeps the police from issuing citations for speeding. The law is still there. Okay, I know you know where I’m going with this….

How many of us would speed then?

Most of us, I do believe. Would we still slow down when we saw a police car? Not really, especially after we got used to the new law. Hmm…. okay. And let’s imagine for a minute that the police are held responsible for the number of speeding motorists by the courts. (Hebrews 13:17)
So, how many of us are going to obey God by pulling over for the police man and never speed again because the police man gently rebuked us? “Now, sir/ma’am, it’s against the law to drive 65 mph in a 55 mph zone…” What on earth would the police officer be able to say to us without using humiliation or guilt or punishment? If I were in shoes like that, I would leave the profession all together, wouldn’t you?

And yet… my husband is going to have to “give account” for his household on judgment day. And although I am responsible for my own actions, my emotions get in the way on occasion. Once, I DID offer spanking as an option to my husband. And the very next time I was angry and risked being disrespectful and hurtful with my words,
I REMEMBERED that offer. Just the potential for a consequence was enough for me to learn some self-control.

The real issue here is the dynamics of marriage. I don’t believe that God has a problem with corporal punishment when it is used as a tool to help a wife to be submissive to her husband’s authority, authority given to him by God. Do I believe that it is required in every marriage? No. And neither does Leah.

21 thoughts on “Guest comment: Why I want Domestic Discipline as a woman

  1. Great analogy. However, in addition to a speed limit, I believe that domestic discipline provides the guard rails (especially spanking) to keep one from going way off the road and really doing some harm.

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  2. Pingback: In Agreement – A Submissive Wife's Journey

  3. I had a similar experience. Learning to submit saved my marriage too! I am highly educated and had a very successful career, but my life is happier now that I follow the Biblical role of a wife. And yes, I do need my husband’s guidance and discipline to stay on track.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I think it’s even more so for advanced women… and the ladies that are 50 points higher than their husbands IQ score, really need the help in learning and maintaining submission. It can be done.


    • What about when he doesn’t respect you and when you go to him and talk to him about how it makes you feel he gets mad about it and then threatened to spank you


  4. I’m really enjoying reading your blog posts. My hubby and I are living a CFC life and it has been the best part of peace yet. After 27 years of marriage it feels great to have him taking the lead though it is hard to submit when I’ve been the leader. God will bless every part of this!


  5. Can someone show me the scripture that days it’s okay to “spank” your wife? I know that Ephesians 5:28,29 says that husbands ought to love their wives as they live themselves. And most people don’t spank themselves. Jesus did not spank anyone did he. If I’m wrong, please correct me. But I would like to know the bible verse.

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  6. I have always been fascinated by the fact that so often the initial interest in and desire for domestic discipline – and, unfortunately, too often the day-in, day-out commitment to it – find their origins in the woman.

    You have a fine blog here.


  7. Pingback: Amen, Sister. | A Submissive Wife's Journey

  8. I am a well educated woman and am privileged to be a surgeon at our local hospital. I have found living in a domestic discipline marriage has helped me improve in ways that would not have been possible on my own.

    It helps me to be less self-absorbed, much more considerate and respectful of other people and less arrogant in my behaviour. I have benefited both in my performance at work as well as a wife from a clear and strict set of rules and my good fortune of having a husband who, despite his initial reservations, has been willing to enforce these without exception and ensure I serve punishments, sever enough to both punish and deter me from repetition, when I do not comply.

    I know that if I fail to behave as the submissive wife I aspire to be then I will suffer consequences and this helps me to both behave correctly and improve. Of course I hate the humiliation, pain and loss of independence which punishment for misbehaviour requires but that serves to help me learn to do better. I know that I behave in an immature and childish way then I can expect to be punished in a manner appropriate to such behaviour.


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  9. I would love to hear more about the rules you live by and your punishments when you stray. I think it’s helpful to all of us to get different perspectives and examples.

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